Walden has been with us for about a month now as a foster puppy and today he was neutered so we were able to sign the papers for the official adoption :)
He's a cutie :)
So to celebrate, I thought I would make some homemade treats!!! (he and his big sister decided to eat a year's worth of free treats I had won from a local pet store...they were all natural and holistic treats...to say I was disappointed when I saw two stuffed puppies and a floor covered in ripped bags and containers was an understatement...but this is beside the point...today is in CELBRATION of Walden!)
Back to the treats...
I found this recipe on Pinterest (link takes you to browneyedbaker.com) and have been wanting to try it out for some time. It has 4 simple ingredients.
2 Cups of Whole Wheat Flour
1 Tablespoon Baking Powder
1 Cup Natural Peanut Butter
1 Cup Low-Fat Milk
(oh, and cute cookie cutters!)
Go ahead and pre-heat your oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit
Combine your dry ingredients (flour & baking powder). Then I used a blender to combine my milk and peanut butter...mixing it by hand in a bowl was not working!
Then add your wet mixture to your dry mixture and combine.
Put your dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead it out. Get your rolling pin and roll away until your dough is 1/4 in thickness...then get your cookie treat cutters and cut out your shapes.

I didn't grease my pan as the original recipe calls for b/c I had some good non-stick pans. I baked them for 20 min and wah-la! Beauty!
Then the puppies came over...first looking so cute...then - SNEAK ATTACK! Sasha caught me off guard! She's licking her lips and enjoying the treat in the last pic :)
Try it yourself! I hope your pup enjoys them as much as mine!!!
Again, find the original post where I got this yummy recipe here.
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