Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Booty Stepper Workout

I am loving Tone it Up Beach Week!

Today is Hump Day - aka BOOTY DAY!  The AM workout for Tone it Up called for stairs.  I don't have any stairs near my house, and I did not feel like going out at 4:30 in dark of morning to find a suitable outdoor stair case.  Besides that, I can't think of any parks that have one here, and I am not sure where else, besides schools, to look.  So I came up with my own 'Booty Stepper Workout'!

 I had a blast and burned 280 calories in 32 minutes

The original workout recommended by Tone it Up is posted here on their Beach Week schedule or found here for the YouTube video.

This was my 'stair stepper'.  NOTE:  I DO NOT recommend using one of these!  I highly recommend using a real stepper like those found at the gym or probably even at Walmart.  However, I was desperate in wanting to do some sort of booty stepping workout, so I used the  folding stool that normally helps me get to the top of my closet shelves.

The stool was already slightly cracked, and now it's a goner!

I finished my workout off with an absolutely delicious oatmeal smoothie.  I dare say it might be my favorite yet!

Blueberry Oat Smoothie
1/2 C plain yogurt
about 1 C frozen blue berries
1/8 C oats
1/2 banana
1 T peanut butter
1/3 C Almond Milk

Happy Hump Day!  Now work your booty off!

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