Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Start of 23 Weeks Pregnant with Baby 2!

This is a summary of weeks 21, 22 and the start of week 23!

How far along: 23 Weeks!

Gender: We are having another little girl! I’ll share a post about gender reveal soon, but if you saw it on FB Live, it was quite funny!!!

Weight gain: I’m now at 128 pounds, started around 116, so about 12 pounds.

Working Out:  Still going strong on my workouts! For weeks 20, 21, & 22, I did Body Beast Beast Up Calendar for strength and LOVED IT with modifications and opting in other workouts as needed.  This week, I’m doing some Active Maternity and then moving into a new program, Core De Force where I’ll limit my torso twists, but just keep moving with cardio - stay tuned, I’ll give it a week and let you know if I think it’s a good one for pregnancy….if not Active Maternity again it is :)

Clothing Choices:  I’m for certain into maternity clothes, but am LOVING loose tops - especially Piko tops & fleece lined leggings - oh so heavenly!

Stretch marks: No new ones, just my soccer ones on those strong thighs ;) BUT I need to be better about putting my body butter/belly cream on - I have some left over from Braelyn’s pregnancy, but don’t use it near enough. Do you have one you like?

Belly button: OUT!

Sleep: It’s not too bad. Tough while we were doing Thanksgiving since we were in the same room as Braelyn and if I woke up to pee, I’d wake her and if she made noises she’d wake me…let’s face it, I’m a terrible sleeper, but that’s okay, I’m surviving! 

Best moment these weeks:  Neal getting to feel little one move more & him and his mom also SAW her kick! So cute!

Hardest moment this week: Sleep...or lack there of. I feel like God really does prepare our bodies for what to expect...but come on my awesome father, I have a few months left, help me sleep a little before then. 

What I’m missing:  Nothing that I can think of…oh wait, sleep ;)

Movement: I am happy to feel her multiple times a day!

Cravings: Seeing as we just got off Thanksgiving…sweets…so I’m on a sugar detox this week while a group of women I am coaching with my business are doing a 3 Day Refresh.

Queasy or sick: Nope!

Looking forward to: We have another appointment Wednesday, and I’m anxious to hear what they will allow me to do at Disney World.

A few weeks into pregnancy and 20 weeks pregnant before starting the workouts below!

 Workouts Week 20, 21, & 22

Workout Week 20
Monday - off
Tuesday - Body Beast Beast Up Chest/Shoulders/Tri
Wednesday - Body Beast Cardio
Thursday - Body Beast Build Back & Bi
Friday - Body Beast Bulk Shoulders
Saturday - Body Beast Bulk Back
Sunday - only 10 min of Chest & Tri by Body Beast before I had to take care of the little one and never got back to it

Workout Week 21
  Monday - Body Beast Beast Up Legs
Tuesday - Body Beast Cardio
Wednesday - rest
Thursday - Body Beast Build Back & Bi'x
Friday - Body Beast Beast Up Chest/Shoulder/Tri
Saturday - Body Beast Cardio
Sunday - Body Beast Bulk Back

Workout Week 22
 • Monday - Body Beast Beast Up Legs 
Tuesday - Body Beast Bulk Back
Wednesday - off
Thursday - Body Beast Cardio
Friday - off
Saturday - Core De Force
Sunday - off

These are 23 and 22 weeks pregnant, baby & belly are both growing like crazy!

Did you know babies born to moms who exercise during pregnancy tend to sleep better, have higher apgar scores, and brestfeed better?  🤔💪👶

Let's do this mommas!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Baby Bratton #2 20 Weeks Pregnant

How far along: 20 Weeks!

Gender: We will find out tomorrow...I have a fun genderived reveal for tomorrow night!!!!  You're going to need to tune into my Facebook LIVE at 6pm EST to find out!

Weight gain: 5 ish...you know it moves up and down pending if I weigh in the morning or in the evening ;)

Working Out:  Yeps! I just finished P90X3 - I went in about 70% this past month, but am still super proud.  My arms are feeling strong!  Full workouts from last week posted below. 

Clothing Choices:  Maternity bottoms, any shirt really, but some of those are certainly getting harder to wear. 

Stretch marks: No new ones, just my soccer ones on those strong thighs ;)

Belly button: Out for sure, to the point where a thin shirt will show it.

Sleep: It's not been so great lately. I haven't slept well and haven't felt all that awesome from some allergies. 

Best moment these weeks:  Our friend is letting us borrow her doppler, and I have to say I LOVE to hear the little one every few days <3

Hardest moment this week: Sleep...or lack there of. I feel like God really does prepare our bodies for what to expect...but come on my awesome father, I have like 5 months left, help me sleep a little before then. 

What I’m missing:  Feeling better with no earaches or sore throat

Movement: Feeling it a lot at this point :)

Cravings: None at this time :)

Queasy or sick: Nope!

Looking forward to: Seeing our little one in an ultrasound tomorrow <3

 These past week's workouts have included:

  • Monday - P90X3 Isometrix
  • Tuesday - P90X3 Accelerator
  • Wednesday - Prenatal Pilates
  • Thursday - Active Maternity 2nd Trimester
  • Friday - P90X3 Dynamix
  • Saturday - Off!
  • Sunday - A little Sneak Peek of Core De Force!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Baby Bratton #2 Bring on 19 Weeks Pregnant!!!

This has been a harder week for me, only because I have drained myself by staying up too late last Monday and Tuesday, which took a toll on my body, causing me to lose my voice, not rest well, have headaches, and now I have a cough.  One poor decision lead to a compound effect of less desired health.  Baby seems fine, I still feel a little movement, but am looking forward to renewed health. I've doubled up on my Shakeology shakes a few days and am having more fresh veggies mixed into them just to help with my health & baby.  

We do get to SEE baby in 10 days via the anatomy scan ultrasound!  We are very excited about that!!!

How far along: hitting the start of 19 weeks!

Gender: We will find out in early November!!! 10 days!

Weight gain: 5 ish...I really don't know I haven't weighed myself since last week. So it's probably more like 6-8 but ehh whatever, healthy baby is what matters.

Working Out:  Finishing up P90X3, I'll be done with it by Halloween Day! HOORAY!!!  I didn't do as well this week with those workouts and subbed a BUNCH of them for other choices that just sounded good. I lost my voice for 2.5 days and then have been coughing for 2 after that, so I'm taking it easier and doubling up on my Shakes. 

Clothing Choices:  Maternity bottoms, any shirt really, but some of those are certainly getting harder to wear. 

Stretch marks: No new ones, just my soccer ones on those strong thighs ;)

Belly button: I'll call it an outty

Sleep: I didn't sleep as well this past week, but it had nothing to do with pregnancy. It was just me working in the evenings - which is what caused me to be tired, lose my voice, and now have a cough...oh the compound effect of 1 poor choice on my body :-/ Baby is still good as far as we know <3

Best moment these weeks:  It's hard to say. Maybe someone that I haven't told I was pregnant, a friend from my husband's work, noticing that I was and saying congrats. First random person to notice/compliment. 

Hardest moment this week: Losing my voice, some of my energy, and then coughing...that's never fun pregnant or not.  

What I’m missing:  My voice ;)

Movement: Feeling at least 1 movement a day.

Cravings: They have actually subsided, I think. No hot fudge cravings this week!

Queasy or sick: Nope!

Looking forward to: 10 days from today seeing the little one on our ultrasound <3

 These past two week's workouts have included:

  • Monday - P90X3 Decelerator
  • Tuesday - Turbo Jam 20 Minute Jam
  • Wednesday - off!
  • Thursday - BOD 20's Strength Workout w/ Joe
  • Friday - P90X3 Pilates X
  • Saturday -BOD 20's Barre Workout with Erika (LOVED IT!)
  • Sunday - off!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Core De Force - Try it BEFORE You Buy It!

Super Trainers Joel Freeman and Jericho McMatthews and their Core De Force.

About a year ago Super Trainers Joel Freeman and Jericho McMatthews joined the team of Super Trainers at Beachbody and we knew that something awesome was coming. They have an extensive background in the fitness industry, they have really done everything from group fitness classes, to yoga and dance, to strength training. They are really motivational and have a passion for helping people become their best selves. The wait was killing us though. At this year’s Coach Summit we heard the BIG news! They are launching their brand new program Core De Force on November 1st!!

Just what is Core De Force?

Core De Force is a true Mixed Martial Arts program. It is not choreographed to music, it is straight up fight inspired, fat burning, cardio building, awesomeness. Each workout is broken in to 3 minute rounds, just like a boxing match. During each 3 minute round you will be boxing, kickboxing, Muay Thai, body weight training, and cardio spikes that will SHRED you and get you on your way to building the body you want. While punching and kicking you will not only be burning massive amounts of calories but each move is rotational which develops your core and shreds the midsection. Since each round is only 3 minutes all you have to do is FIGHT your way through each round and before you know it, you’re done and shredded.

Is Core De Force Advanced?

Core De Force is for anyone, from beginner to advanced. Beachbody has put a modifier in each workout and there are move breakdowns to help you master all of the moves from the jump. 
This program is going to be a great way to get through the Holiday Season getting results with your health and fitness and feeling amazing. One of the benefits of MMA style training is the feeling of empowerment you get as you get more proficient with it. These are not dance, cardio-kickboxing moves. They are the real deal. You will be punching, kicking, throwing knees and combinations and really fighting! 
The holidays are usually stressful but with this program you will not only be getting results but you will be be feeling energized and motivated to get the most out of November, December, and the New Year.

What is included with Core De Force?

What is not included with Core De Force? You get 4 MMA-style workouts, 2 body weight workouts, 2 core workouts, 1 active recovery workout, 1 quick before-bed stretch routine, a quick-start guide, a 30-day calendar, an eating plan, Shakeology and ME as your FREE Coach. We will be running a Test Group for this starting November 7th.

Be among the FIRST to try out CORE DE FORCE!!

There is an exclusive sneak peek of Core De Force on Monday October 24th exclusively for Beachbody OnDemand Users. Cardio, MMA-style, conditioning at its best. I am so excited for this one to come out and I really want you to do it with me. If you are already a Beachbody On Demand User then be sure to check out the Sneak Peek workout on October 24th.
If you do not have a Beachbody On Demand Membership and you are like me and you hate waiting then get a jump-start on your fitness journey in my next Challenge Group by ordering your Club & Shakeology Challenge Pack here.
With the Club and Shakeology Challenge Pack you get:
  • Me as your FREE COACH!
  • FIXATE Portion Control Containers
  • FIXATE Meal Plan
  • Access to my next Challenge Group through the Challenge Tracker App 
  • Access to endless programs and workouts through Beachbody on Demand 
  • Monthly supply of Shakeology Superfood shake. (I recommend the Vegan Chocolate, SO GOOD!) 
  • Access to my online Wellness Community

I am excited to dig into November with you and to hear what you thought of the sneak peek on BOD Monday the 24th!! To ensure you do not miss out on the Core De Force Sneak Peek sign up for one of the options above!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Baby Bratton #2 Weeks 17/18

How far along: 17-18 weeks

Gender: We will find out soon enough, just over 2 weeks!  I'm still kinda thinking Boy.

Weight gain: 5 pounds

Working Out:  Finishing up P90X3, I'll be done with it by Halloween Day! HOORAY!!!  Now what's next to keep me active....

Clothing Choices:  Maternity bottoms, any shirt still though :)

Stretch marks: No new ones, just my soccer ones on those strong thighs ;)

Belly button: I'll call it an out

Sleep: More wild pregnancy dreams including a super hot make-out session one - oh boy ;)

Best moment these weeks:  Probably just sorta feeling more energy, I go back and forth on that though it seems - some days are great, others I wish I could sleep all day.

Hardest moment this week: I haven't felt as much movement as frequently as I'd like, but I still feel something small every day, so that's reassuring. 

What I’m missing:  Feeling like I have core strength. I am doing some moves I've learned from pregnancy workouts and pregnancy blogs to keep up the core, but it just still doesn't seem quite as strong. 

Movement: Feeling a tiny bit here and there :)

Cravings: I think it's just sweets - like donuts, fudge (hot - no need for ice cream just give me the hot fudge...with french fries...) pretty much all the bad stuff. I give in probably 2-4 times a week, but not daily, I have a really good (and healthy!) chocolate Reese's shake on those days!

Queasy or sick: Nope!

Looking forward to: Continued health and this second trimester boost of energy!...come on energy boost...where are you!?

 These past two week's workouts have included:

  • Monday - P90X3 Decelerator
  • Tuesday - P90X3 MMX
  • Wednesday - P90X3 Eccentric Upper
  • Thursday - P90X3 Triometrics
  • Friday - P90X3 Pilates
  • Saturday - off!
  • Sunday - P90X3 Eccentric Lower

  • Monday - 10 Minute Trainer Cardio and Full Body
  • Tuesday - P90X3 Agility X
  • Wednesday - P90X3 Complex Upper
  • Thursday - Prenatal Yoga
  • Friday - P90X3 Triometrix
  • Saturday - Yes Mamm 5K in Lexington!! <3
  • Sunday - off!

I wrote up a good post on this one CLICK HERE

Favorite Preggers Shirt - Brewing a Baby Not a Lager!

Yes Mamm 5k!