
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Our Biggest Announcment...A BABY BRATTON!!!

I just can't keep this a secret any longer, Neal and I are expecting our first child this August!!!!!! 

We sent postcards out to many family & friends in anticipation they would get them before I put the news on the blog and on Facebook, but it seems 1/2 of the recipients have gotten there's days ago, and the others are still waiting.  Don't be offended if you didn't get one, Neal and I are still waiting on one we sent to ourselves so who knows they may just be lost in the mail....oh the mail...

Here's a sneak peak of our announcement we made through Vistaprint.

Our good friends, the Larson's, were awesome enough to take 40 or so pictures until we got the right shot!

A little background and what to expect next:

We found out December 19th that we were pregnant, and had the joy of being able to reveal to Neal's entire family at Christmas!  Later, we got to tell my parents and their loves over Skype!  I'll do a post with the cute family reveals,including the awesome way I told Neal, down the road.

I seriously always have the best Christmases!  One year, I got Sasha (our sweet puppy), another we got engaged, and then this last one, we found out we were having a baby! 

You can follow Neal's and my journey through pregnancy and the start of parenting here on the blog!  I plan to do a weekly post with progress, funny moments, hard moments, workouts, food, & clothing choices of the moment as pregnancy progresses.  Once the little monkey is here, I'm sure I'll get to fill you with our parenting triumphs, failures, and laughs (hopefully this little one won't be as much as a handful as our last baby, Walden...see this post if you need an OH MY GOSH moment!).

We hope you share with us in this love and joy God has blessed us with.  Your prayers and encouragement are always accepted as we do our part to raise this child with Him as our leader.


  1. Prob won't chew up the couch but there will be other challenges...just wait till Jr. tells you they are spending the night with their best friend and then.....

    1. Aw the good old days, now comes pay back time :-)

    2. OH no....just don't teach the kid to come home and say " are ____turd!" only because they heard the word in school and thought it wasn't a bad thing ;) Love you!

  2. Haha oh Mamma Jenkins, Marlee and I will never outlive that mistake, will we :)
